Monitoring and Reporting

This Plan identifies which divisions will lead the implementation of each action. From 1 July 2018, CSR will become part of the newly created Department of Communities Tasmania (DCT). During the transition to the new agency, DPAC will work with DCT to monitor and report against CSR activities.

The division responsible for implementing an action will monitor and report on progress of the actions through: 

  • the newly formed DPAC Culture and Inclusion Consultation Group (CICG)
  • the DPAC Annual Report;
  • Divisional Business Plans; and
  • DPAC’s annual progress report to the Premier’s Disability Advisory Council.

Every six months, the Chair of the CICG will provide the Secretary with a progress report, prepared by the Human Resources Branch on behalf of the group.  Accountability for delivering the actions will occur through DPAC’s Performance Management and Development (PMD) program.